regarding playlist.Hi Youpi!
I would recommend you to managed your own playlist.
The author of VideoLan.Interop is actually doing the same: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=52021&p=176692&hil ... st#p176692.
With that said I still experience this wrapper - and the one made by Marx - as unstable.
They regularly stops playing videos (my application stops responding).
I have not been able to fix this issue yet, but when it happens it is always after a call to Play().
Unfortunately none of the authors seems to be active in this forum any longer.
So I am now using technologies like DirectX and Windows Media Player Control from Microsoft
These components have significantly more CPU usage, but at least they are stable.
Best regards, Elund
Yes. This wrapper does not support the vlc playlist properly. i believe, it never will. this is because, it is highly recommended that the playlist is manually managed using c#. why? because you can do a lot of things easily in c# compared to the limited functionality of native playlist.
regarding video play issue.
(Correct me if im wrong) I believe the problem is caused by the delay due to bindings. for example, if you call play, the vlc will actually play 1 seconds later(as i said, example). you will experience issue when you issue multiple command within short period of time. AFAIK, there are no good solution for this. only workarounds. one workaround that i know of is by adding a delay before any command can be issue consequently.
Hope this helps.