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135 #if USE_WPF
136 cbSurfaceChanged = new D3dCallback(SurfacedChanged);
137 InteropMethods.libd3d_surface_changed_callback(cbSurfaceChanged);
138 #endif
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sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
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String appPath = Application.ExecutablePath;
String exeName = appPath.Split('\\').Last();
String vlcFolder = appPath.Remove(appPath.Length - exeName.Length);
vlc = new VideoLanClient(vlcFolder);
I'm running it this way and don't have the "DennisL problem." This is on two different XP Pro SP3 computers with two different versions of VLC installed, 0.9.7 and 0.9.8.I got it working by pointing the wrapper to the vlc folder
vlc = new VideoLanClient("C:\\Program Files\\VideoLAN\\VLC");
but this brought me into DennisL's problem of not displaying video on a second opening.
starting a video in VLC reset this.
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//string appPath = "C:\\Program Files\\VideoLan\\VLC"
//string appPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
vlc = new VideoLanClient(appPath);
Does your RAM increase or your CPU .?What is the best way for handling VLC exceptions in this wrapper?
Does the statechanged.error get called before an unhandled exception error is sent out?
Not the easiest debugging when I have to wait an hour or 2 for a VLC crash and have a single chance to examine it.
My software runs VLC 24/7 and several times each day VLC crashes and I have to restart playing.
At the moment this requires restarting my entire program but I would much prefer to catch and handle the exception and just start a new instance of VLCMediaPlayer (or would a new VideoLanClient be better?)
It varies from time to time but I rarely see either over about 30-40%
Does your RAM increase or your CPU .?
Yes, and this introduced many many security and crashes issues.Is it just me or was the old 0.8.6 API much better. One used to have access to both getvariable and setvariable. Using those methods you could get things like embedded subtitles and audio streams and you could set thing like brightness and contrast without having to restart the video. I'm not criticizing Kairos in anyway, the wrapper is well made and it wraps all the methods available in libvlc but I don't understand why these methods was removed from libvlc.
Which wrapper are you referring to? Those two forum thread refers to two different wrapper? Plus, what version of videolan are you using?I noticed a memory leak with the wrapper
More details are posted here viewtopic.php?f=32&t=47385&start=90#p177639
I noticed the memory leak in both wrappersWhich wrapper are you referring to? Those two forum thread refers to two different wrapper? Plus, what version of videolan are you using?
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