[Extension] Time

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby Ashada » 23 May 2012 20:30

Sup Thx for your script.
I didn't know how to make an extension to VLC but thx to you I did what I wanted to do.
I'll buy you some cookies in RL if we ever meet.

Your scirpt was lacking one function and it was total playlist duration.
I was pissed since the devs don't care about such function as seen here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=96760
so I made it and integrated with your script.
I'm going to release my changes under WTFPL since you didn't specify a license for your code.
Teh code

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-- time.lua -- VLC extension -- --[[ INSTALLATION: Put the file in the VLC subdir /lua/extensions, by default: * Windows (all users): %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\ * Windows (current user): %APPDATA%\VLC\lua\extensions\ * Linux (all users): /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions/ * Linux (current user): ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/ * Mac OS X (all users): /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/extensions/ (create directories if they don't exist) Restart the VLC. Then you simply use the extension by going to the "View" menu and selecting it. --]] -- defaults time_format = "[PLD]" -- [T]-ime, [O]-ver, [E]-lapsed, [D]-uration, [R]-remaining osd_position = "top-right" -- predefined time format patterns time_formats = {"[T]", "[T] >> [O]", "[E] / [D]", "-[R] / [D]", "-[R] ([T])", "[PLD]"} function descriptor() return { title = "Time"; version = "1.0"; author = "lubozle"; url = 'http://addons.videolan.org/content/show.php?content=149618'; shortdesc = "Time displayer"; description = "<div style=\"background-color:lightgreen;\"><b>Time</b> is VLC extension (extension script \"time.lua\") that displays running time on the screen in a playing video.</div>"; capabilities = {"input-listener"} } end function activate() input_callback("add") create_dialog() end function deactivate() input_callback("del") end function close() vlc.deactivate() end function input_changed() input_callback("toggle") end callback=false function input_callback(action) -- action=add/del/toggle if (action=="toggle" and callback==false) then action="add" elseif (action=="toggle" and callback==true) then action="del" end local input = vlc.object.input() if input and callback==false and action=="add" then callback=true vlc.var.add_callback(input, "intf-event", input_events_handler, "Hello world!") elseif input and callback==true and action=="del" then callback=false vlc.var.del_callback(input, "intf-event", input_events_handler, "Hello world!") end end t=0 function input_events_handler(var, old, new, data) tt=os.clock() if tt>=(t+.5) then -- OSD update approximately 2 times per second instead of 4-5 times t=tt --vlc.osd.message(tostring(var)..'\n'..tostring(old)..'\n'..tostring(new)..'\n'..tostring(data)) --local systemTime = os.date("%H:%M:%S") -- reads and formats OS time if time_format~=nil or time_format~="" then osd_output = decode_time_format() vlc.osd.message(osd_output, channel1, osd_position) -- displays time on the screen in a video end --vlc.msg.info(systemTime) end end function dur_to_time(duration) if duration>0 then local durationHour = math.floor(duration / 3600) local durationMinute = math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60) local durationSecond = math.floor(duration % 60) return durationHour, durationMinute, durationSecond else return -1 end end function playlist_duration() local sum = 0 local play_list = vlc.playlist.get("playlist",false) for k, video in pairs(play_list.children) do if video.duration ~= -1 then sum = sum + video.duration end end local h, m, s = dur_to_time(sum) return tostring(string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s)) end function decode_time_format() local input = vlc.object.input() local elapsed_time = vlc.var.get(input, "time") --local duration = vlc.var.get(input, "length") local duration = vlc.input.item():duration() local systemHour = os.date("%H") local systemMinute = os.date("%M") local systemSecond = os.date("%S") local elapsedHour = math.floor(elapsed_time / 3600) local elapsedMinute = math.floor((elapsed_time % 3600) / 60) local elapsedSecond = math.floor(elapsed_time % 60) if duration>0 then local durationHour = math.floor(duration / 3600) local durationMinute = math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60) local durationSecond = math.floor(duration % 60) remaining_time = duration - elapsed_time local remainingHour = math.floor(remaining_time / 3600) local remainingMinute = math.floor((remaining_time % 3600) / 60) local remainingSecond = math.floor(remaining_time % 60) local endingSecond = math.floor((systemSecond + remainingSecond) % 60) local endingMinute = math.floor(((systemSecond + remainingSecond) / 60 + (systemMinute + remainingMinute)) % 60) local endingHour = math.floor((((systemSecond + remainingSecond) / 60 + (systemMinute + remainingMinute)) / 60 + systemHour + remainingHour) % 24) duration = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", durationHour, durationMinute, durationSecond) remaining_time = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", remainingHour, remainingMinute, remainingSecond) ending_time = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", endingHour, endingMinute, endingSecond) else duration = "--:--" remaining_time = "--:--" ending_time = "--:--" end local elapsed_time = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", elapsedHour, elapsedMinute, elapsedSecond) --local system_time = os.date("%H:%M:%S") local system_time = systemHour..":"..systemMinute..":"..systemSecond local osd_output = string.gsub(time_format, "%[E%]", elapsed_time) local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[T%]", system_time) local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[D%]", duration) local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[R%]", remaining_time) local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[O%]", ending_time) local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[PLD%]", playlist_duration()) return osd_output end function create_dialog() w = vlc.dialog("Time") --w1 = w:add_label("Time format: \\ Position:",1,1,2,1) w1 = w:add_label("<b>Time format:</b>",1,1,1,1) w01 = w:add_label("<b>\\ Position:</b>",2,1,1,1) w2 = w:add_dropdown(3,1,1,1) w2:add_value("top-left", 1) w2:add_value("top", 2) w2:add_value("top-right", 3) w2:add_value("left", 4) w2:add_value("center", 5) w2:add_value("right", 6) w2:add_value("bottom-left", 7) w2:add_value("bottom", 8) w2:add_value("bottom-right", 9) w2:set_text(osd_position) w3 = w:add_text_input(time_format,1,2,3,1) w4 = w:add_dropdown(1,3,2,1) w4:add_value("", 1) for i=1,#time_formats do w4:add_value(time_formats[i], i+1) end w4:set_text("") w10 = w:add_button("START", click_START,1,4,1,1) w11 = w:add_button("STOP", click_STOP,2,4,1,1) w12 = w:add_button(">> PUT^IN", click_PUTIN,3,3,1,1) w13 = w:add_button("HELP", click_HELP,3,4,1,1) end function click_STOP() time_format = "" end function click_START() time_format = w3:get_text() osd_position = w2:get_text() end function click_PUTIN() w3:set_text(w4:get_text()) w4:set_text("") w:update() end function click_HELP() local help_text="" .."<div style=\"background-color:lightgreen;\"><b>Time</b> is VLC extension (extension script \"time.lua\") that displays running time on the screen in a playing video.</div>" .."<hr />" .."<center><b><a style=\"background-color:#FF7FAA;\">&nbsp;Instructions&nbsp;</a></b></center>" .."<b><a style=\"background-color:#FF7FAA;\">1.)</a></b> Choose a desired <b><a style=\"background-color:lightblue;\">position</a></b> from the drop-down menu.<br />" .."<b><a style=\"background-color:#FF7FAA;\">2.)</a></b> In <b><a style=\"background-color:lightblue;\">time format</a></b> input field write some time pattern containing time tags. The list of available tags is below.<br />" .."You can use predefined pattern from the drop-down menu. Choose one and put it in the time format field by pressing <b><nobr><a style=\"background-color:silver;\">[ >> PUT^IN ]</a></nobr></b> button.<br />" .."<b><a style=\"background-color:#FF7FAA;\">3.)</a></b> Press <b><nobr><a style=\"background-color:silver;\">[ START ]</a></nobr></b> button for changes to take effect.<br /><br />" .."<b>Following <a style=\"background-color:#FF7FAA;\">time tags</a> can be used within time format pattern:</b>" .."<div style=\"background-color:#FF7FAA;\">" .."<b>&nbsp;[T]</b> - actual system time;<br />" .."<b>&nbsp;[O]</b> - time when video will be over;<br />" .."<b>&nbsp;[E]</b> - elapsed time (current playback position);<br />" .."<b>&nbsp;[R]</b> - remaining time;<br />" .."<b>&nbsp;[D]</b> - duration (length);<br />" .."<b>&nbsp;[PLD]</b> - playlist duration (length);</div>" .." > They are automatically replaced with actual time values on the screen.<br />" .." > If duration value is not available then [D], [R], [O] is replaced with \"--:--\".<br />" .." > You can also use some short descriptions or put some delimiters among time tags.<br />" .."<div style=\"background-color:#FFFF7F;\"><b>OSD text format</b> can be customised within internal VLC settings:<br />" .."Tools > Preferences > (Show settings - Simple) > Subtitles / OSD<br />" .."Tools > Preferences > (Show settings - All) > +Video > +Subtitles / OSD > -Text renderer<br />" .."Do not forget to Save and restart VLC for changes to take effect!</div>" .."<hr />" .."<div style=\"background-color:lightblue;\">" .."<b>Homepage:</b> <a href=\"http://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=97639#p332364\">VLC extension: Time</a><br />" .."<b>Forum:</b> <a href=\"http://forum.videolan.org/viewforum.php?f=29\">Scripting VLC in Lua</a><br />" .."Please, visit us and bring some new ideas.<br />" .."Learn how to write own scripts and share them with us.<br />" .."Help to build happy VLC community :o)</div>" .."<pre> www<br />" .." (. .)<br />" .."-ooo-(_)-ooo-</pre>" w5=w:add_html(help_text,1,5,3,1) w14 = w:add_button("HELP (x)", click_HELPx,3,4,1,1) w:update() end function click_HELPx() w:del_widget(w5) w:del_widget(w14) w5=nil w14=nil w:update() end
The code might be better but I didn't want to entirely replace it so I just made a patch.
The code for playlist duration is [PLD]
Use it how ever you wish.

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 23 May 2012 23:45

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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If you want an answer to your question, just be specific and precise. Don't use Private Messages.

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby mederi » 27 May 2012 12:53

Ashada, thank you for adding new [PLD] tag for total playlist duration and demonstrating nice coding:

Code: Select all

--- function dur_to_time(duration) if duration>0 then local durationHour = math.floor(duration / 3600) local durationMinute = math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60) local durationSecond = math.floor(duration % 60) return durationHour, durationMinute, durationSecond else return -1 end end function playlist_duration() local sum = 0 local play_list = vlc.playlist.get("playlist",false) for k, video in pairs(play_list.children) do if video.duration ~= -1 then sum = sum + video.duration end end local h, m, s = dur_to_time(sum) return tostring(string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s)) end --- local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[PLD%]", playlist_duration())
I will update the extension on addons.videolan.org soon. Probably I will also add some label widget in dialog box to display time information there. It will be good for music files without any video track and without visualisation turned on.

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby jose.mira » 29 Jul 2012 19:55


Based on Ashada's code I develped an extension that shows a dialog with the playlist's total time.

BTW, I also changed the dur_time return value when the duration is not greater than zero, so that it return in the same format as when the duration is greater than zero.

As Ashada, I'm also releasing this as WTFPL!

If you find any problem with the script, please shout it out.

Code: Select all

-- playlistduration.lua -- VLC extension -- --[[ INSTALLATION: Put the file in the VLC subdir /lua/extensions, by default: * Windows (all users): %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\extensions\ * Windows (current user): %APPDATA%\VLC\lua\extensions\ * Linux (all users): /usr/share/vlc/lua/extensions/ * Linux (current user): ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/ * Mac OS X (all users): /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/extensions/ (create directories if they don't exist) Restart the VLC. Then you simply use the extension by going to the "View" menu and selecting it. --]] function descriptor() return { title = "Playlist Duration" ; version = "1.0" ; author = "abremir" ; url = ''; shortdesc = "Playlist Duration"; description = "Get the playlist duration.\n" .. "Returns the total play time of the current playlist." ; } end function activate() vlc.msg.info("[playlist duration] start") playdur = vlc.dialog("Playlist Duration") playdur:add_label("", 1, 1, 11, 2) playdur:add_label("Total time:", 12, 1, 1, 2) durlabel=playdur:add_label(playlist_duration(), 13, 1, 1, 2) playdur:add_label("", 14, 1, 11, 2) playdur:add_button("Ok", close_dialog, 12, 3, 2, 1) playdur:show() end function deactivate() vlc.msg.info("[playlist duration] stop") end function close_dialog() vlc.deactivate() end function dur_to_time(duration) if duration>0 then local durationHour = math.floor(duration / 3600) local durationMinute = math.floor((duration % 3600) / 60) local durationSecond = math.floor(duration % 60) return durationHour, durationMinute, durationSecond else return 0, 0, 0 end end function playlist_duration() local sum = 0 local play_list = vlc.playlist.get("playlist",false) for k, item in pairs(play_list.children) do if item.duration ~= -1 then sum = sum + item.duration end end local h, m, s = dur_to_time(sum) return tostring(string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s)) end
--- EDIT (12.3.2013, mederi) ---
Standalone forum topic for this extension: VLC Playlist Total Time Extension
Last edited by mederi on 12 Mar 2013 19:52, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: added link to standalone forum topic for this extension

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby Zane » 17 Aug 2012 00:31

Found this Googling. Good job, guys!
Gianluigi "Zane" Zanettini

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby VLCGeorge » 27 Aug 2012 07:19

It gives me just zeros, not the total time. This happens if I select the extension before I load the playlist, and if I select it after I load the playlist, and whether the player is stopped or active.

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby mederi » 03 Sep 2012 15:09

Patches published at http://addons.videolan.org/content/show ... ent=149618
Elapsed time with miliseconds:
- remove the math.floor() from the elapsedSecond definition (line 91)
- change the elapsed_time string format to "%02d:%02d:%06.3f" (line 115)
Meanwhile here is a patch for extended [E] tag for manual input of constant fps information to convert time to frames, e.g. [E23.976]. Tip: [E1] means time in seconds.
There is also a new tag [N] - new/next line.
- insert following line before line 115>local elapsed_time = string.format(...

Code: Select all

local et = elapsed_time
- insert following lines right before line 125>return osd_output

Code: Select all

local osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[N%]", "\n") local fps=tonumber(string.match(osd_output,"%[E(.-)%]")) if fps~=nil then osd_output = string.gsub(osd_output, "%[E.-%]", math.floor(et * fps)) end

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby akatarmo » 15 Oct 2012 20:43

I am happy I can finally share my complete script also with dialog box. Before uploading it to official website for VLC addons I would like you to test it first. I have also a couple of issues to discuss.

Hello, is there any way that the TIME option is always checked in View Options?. If I can do this, then it's perfect for me.
Now whenever I have to go to View and manually check this option at start VLC.

Thanks for your work !!

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby mederi » 17 Oct 2012 14:23

Sorry, I have not found any way for automatic start of chosen extension in VLC. It is not implemented yet. Only developers could do something about it. There are already some good ideas for improvement: Which feature do you miss in lua ?

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby anechoic » 13 Feb 2013 19:57

is there a way to display the total time of the *selected* tracks only?

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby mederi » 14 Feb 2013 16:07

This is not implemented. I do not know whether it is possible to read only selected items directly in VLC playlist using Lua extension script. But it would be possible to make selections in a custom dialog box containg a list widged with all playlist items.

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby qwerti » 12 Mar 2013 18:16

It gives me just zeros, not the total time. This happens if I select the extension before I load the playlist, and if I select it after I load the playlist, and whether the player is stopped or active.
Do you have "Display Playlist Tree" enabled? I was having the same problem, but once I disabled this option, the extension (with the playlist duration function) worked fine.

Great extension! Thank you!

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Re: VLC extension: Time

Postby dvjrickkraft » 19 Apr 2013 00:28

As I'm a video DJ, I needed exactly this to try to guesstimate my new mix I'm making. Thanks so much for your time, and it saved me lots! Cheers! :D

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby wrwolf2 » 07 Apr 2018 14:28

made small changes to .intf file , this way elapsed time won't show milliseconds.

read your comment on marquee filter and i found ( marquee filter) can be config. even by using WINDOW>VIDEO EFFECTS menu option ( ⌘E on a mac), though
i can't detect right code to show elapsed time. only few "%key" or "$key" seem working correctly [ unless we need to enter operators and to subtract time left to duration " ($D−$L) "... and i wouldn't know where to start ]

VLC 3.0.1 on a mac

--local elapsed_time = string.format("%02d:%02d:%06.3f", elapsedHour, elapsedMinute, elapsedSecond)<<THIS TO SHOW MILLISECONDS
local elapsed_time = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", elapsedHour, elapsedMinute, elapsedSecond)

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby mederi » 07 Apr 2018 23:19

You can customize the script. Marquee filter currently does not support meta expansions $.

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby LRN » 04 Sep 2018 11:50

It seems to me that this extension doesn't work in VLC4 (nightly). Is that actually true, or am i installing it wrong?

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby mederi » 04 Sep 2018 19:48

I cannot test the extension (Time v3.2) in VLC4 on Windows XP/Vista. You could try to debug the script on your system whether there is a solution. Try to start VLC with additional options and then check the logs in the "vlc_log.txt" file:

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vlc.exe --verbose=2 --file-logging --logfile=vlc_log.txt --extraintf=luaintf --lua-intf=time_intf

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby LRN » 06 Sep 2018 14:34

Thanks, looks like it's a problem in VLC4 lua interface loading:

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main debug: looking for interface module matching "luaintf,none": 15 candidates main debug: no interface modules matched main error: no suitable interface module main error: interface "luaintf,none" initialization failed

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby LRN » 06 Sep 2018 18:06

Okay. After trying it out in VLC3 (also didn't work), then in VLC3-x86 (until that point i've been trying on x86_64; also didn't work) i just uninstalled VLC and deleted all preferences and cache. And then the extension magically started to work, even in VLC4.

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby Dae » 19 Sep 2018 15:07

Hey mederi, I saw your comments on the addons site about macOS and I wanted to tell you that your script works absolutely fine in macOS High Sierra.

In my experience, it is more stable on macOS than on Windows, because on Windows VLC keeps "forgetting" the extra interface setting (extraintf=luaintf) required for your script to work.

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby mederi » 20 Sep 2018 13:18

Hey mederi, I saw your comments on the addons site about macOS and I wanted to tell you that your script works absolutely fine in macOS High Sierra.
Thanks for the feedback. Another brave masOS user pablo_kks willing to cooperate and debug the script on his system helped me to find a solution for the strange issue with a standard dot as a decimal separator in numbers. The solution:

Code: Select all

os.setlocale("C", "all")

In my experience, it is more stable on macOS than on Windows, because on Windows VLC keeps "forgetting" the extra interface setting (extraintf=luaintf) required for your script to work.
Well, the script works fine here (Vista). The Extension script shows the SETTINGS dialog box that helps users to set appropriate VLC settings for the Interface script and asks them to restart VLC for changes to take effect. They do not have to check the settings manually in VLC preferences.
If you check again the settings manually in VLC preferences, then you are right that the "luaintf" is incorrectly recognized as "lua" and you always have to fix it to "luaintf". Just fix it, save it, leave it and do not check the settings again there and then it works :)
Tools > Preferences > Show settings=All > Interface >
> Main interfaces: Extra interface modules [luaintf]
> Main interfaces > Lua: Lua interface [time_intf]
I can open a trac ticket for the missing checkbox for "luaintf" in VLC preferences in Qt GUI. How does the Mac behaves if you check again the VLC preferences? Is there always the "luaintf" in the input field there? What happens if you check some of the checkboxes there for enabling of other interfaces?

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby Dae » 20 Sep 2018 15:38

@mederi thanks for the information!

On macOS, you can type in "luaintf" into the field and it just stays there after saving, even if you change other options. However, if you check "Lua interpreter", "luaintf" will be replaced with just "lua".

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby Wabiloo1 » 05 Oct 2018 12:41

Great tool.
Quick question though: is there any way to automatically detect the FPS, rather than having to manually set it in [Enn]?

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby mederi » 06 Oct 2018 13:08

It is possible but limited like in Jump to time (Previous frame) v3 VLC Extension (1/FPS). It could be a new tag [F].

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Re: [Extension] Time

Postby Leopardshark » 10 Nov 2018 03:06

MacOS 10.12.6
VLC 3.0.4

Having an issue with running time display. Using pattern [E], instead of seeing 00:00:03:268, I see 03,268.

Plz help

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