I downloaded GPAC, and MP4Box corrected the problem !-)Your camera produce mp4 files with wrong information inside the moov box/atom, remux your file with MP4Box ( http://gpac.sf.net )
MP4Box -isma -add oldFile.mp4 output.mp4
Code: Select all
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
mp4_file=`echo "$picture" | sed 's/\.\w*$/.mp4/'`
MP4Box -isma -add "$picture" 2"$mp4_file"
I have the same model of Olympus. I fixed this by:I experienced the same problem when I tried to play videos from my camera Olympus C-770UZ in .mp4 format, resolution 640x480. VLC plays only left top corner, i.e. resolution 320x240. Problem is with both 0.8.6 and 0.8.6a version.
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