Global media HotKeys

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Global media HotKeys

Postby pulpman52 » 17 Jul 2010 01:53

I am using a Microsoft digital media keyboard 3000( NewEgg Link ). All (default) local HotKeys work when the VLC window is active. All (User Set) global HotKeys, consisting of standard keys, work globally. The problem is that the media keys (play/pause, skip, back, stop) only work when the VLC window is active. On a side note (helpful hint) in order to set the media keys to the global list I had to launch VLC as 'administrator' then set the command (play/pause) then close VLC and reopen it.

The media Keys all work when the VLC window is active, without having to assign them to the HotKeys list. The MS Keyboard uses configuration software called "MS IntelliType Pro". This software comes with a Diagnostics program that allows me to see the code assigned to the media keys. The code for the play/pause key is "Key: Play/pause (make) - HID Input" new line "Key: Play/pause (break) - HID Input" as I understand it the diagnostics tool is simply distinguishing between when I press the key and when I release the key.
Knowing that I had to run VLC as an administrator to even set the media keys as global (can set other keys in regular mode) I tried disabling the “UAC” (User account controls), this did not solve the problem. Not surprisingly WMP will respond to the media keys locally and globally.

I will provide any information relevant to this problem at your request. Sorry for the long post I just wanted to give as many details as I could upfront. (Windows 7 X64, VLC 1.1.0)

One Drone
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Re: Global media HotKeys

Postby One Drone » 16 Dec 2010 06:27

Sorry to bring up an old post and it's slightly off this topic.

I found this thread as one of the main searches that pop up in google when searching for hotkeys not working on the microsoft digital media keyboard 3000.


I have discovered that it seems if you have the Microsoft Intellitype software installed it tries to take the hotkeys for itself to then give the command to another program such as windows media player. Thus, VLC doesn't "see" the hotkey. I first tried uninstalling windows media player but that didn't seem to work. Then I uninstalled the Intellitype software and now VLC will let me program the hotkeys! yay! At the time of testing this I had both media player and intellitype uninstalled but i'm pretty sure that you only need to uninstall the intellitype (I prefer to use VLC over media player anyway).

I hope this helps someone out there searching!


New Cone
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Re: Global media HotKeys

Postby FootSteps » 28 Jun 2011 11:11

Sorry to bring up an old post and it's slightly off this topic.

I found this thread as one of the main searches that pop up in google when searching for hotkeys not working on the microsoft digital media keyboard 3000.


I have discovered that it seems if you have the Microsoft Intellitype software installed it tries to take the hotkeys for itself to then give the command to another program such as windows media player. Thus, VLC doesn't "see" the hotkey. I first tried uninstalling windows media player but that didn't seem to work. Then I uninstalled the Intellitype software and now VLC will let me program the hotkeys! yay! At the time of testing this I had both media player and intellitype uninstalled but i'm pretty sure that you only need to uninstall the intellitype (I prefer to use VLC over media player anyway).

I hope this helps someone out there searching!

Yes I love you so much hahaha. Too much forum searching im tired now. Stupid intellitype grrr >.<

New Cone
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Re: Global media HotKeys

Postby Sacco » 09 Dec 2011 03:22

Actually, I found a workaround for your problem since I was trying to do the same.

I downloaded and installed AutoHotKey. I assigned hotkeys for the "play/pause" for VLC in AutoHotKey script as follows:

Code: Select all

#x:: SetTitleMatchMode 2 SetTitleMatchMode Slow IfWinExist VLC { WinActivate ControlSend, ahk_parent, {Space} ; } else Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" return
In the Microsoft Keybaord settings, for Play/Pause, click on "Assign/Manage Macro...".
Click "New" and while in the editor, press the keys you assigned in AutoHotKey. (in my case: WindowsKey+x)


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