using external codec with VLC

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using external codec with VLC

Postby t574 » 10 Mar 2009 12:37

Hi all,

I have an external DMO decoder which is called let's say dmodecxxx.dll. I read somewhere that such codecs can be used in VLC. If anyone has any experience with this could you please post a sample of command which I can use to play the file with such an external decoder. Is there any specific folder where I should put that decoder.


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Re: using external codec with VLC

Postby VLC_help » 10 Mar 2009 16:18

If you haven't registered the codec to the system, you have to edit VLC code to get it working. If you have registered it, --codec dmo switch from command-line should work.

Code: Select all

vlc --codec dmo

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Re: using external codec with VLC

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Mar 2009 17:26

Look at modules/codec/dmo/ for the code of VLC.
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Re: using external codec with VLC

Postby msantos128 » 19 Mar 2013 19:25

i was wondering og using external codec on windows, thank you

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Re: using external codec with VLC

Postby Sirchwe » 31 Mar 2021 22:01

How to compile VVC H266 MPEGi Versalite Video Coding decoder for Linux for VideoLan usage?
Full Version 1.0.1 is avaible as open source:

There are even:

tree/master/source/Lib/DecoderLib ... DecoderLib

I have heard it can be compiled even for running on:
iPhone 12pro Soc ( Apple A14 SoC)

FHD: 53fps (RA and LB)
UHD: 32fps (RA)

This plugin for VideoLan only runs Annex B byte order streams:
(Tencent O266dec plugin is a plugin for VLC player that enables VLC to play H.266 Annex B bit streams)

From other external video codecs worth interesting is:
Free version of Mpeg5 part 1 = Essential Video Coding Baseline Profile patent Free.
Version written in RUST.

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Re: using external codec with VLC

Postby Lotesdelere » 01 Apr 2021 14:29

Mind you provide a binary plugin which works with VLC 3.0.12 and a video sample for testing purposes ?
It would be nice :wink:

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Re: using external codec with VLC

Postby Sirchwe » 01 Apr 2021 17:06

Compiling Code for Linux, Windows, or Mac OSx, or iPhone may not be that hard.

Much harder is compiling VideoLan
with this files:
There are even:

tree/master/source/Lib/DecoderLib ... DecoderLib

As I do not really know what to do with this,
And I have Knoppix hybrid 64bit 32bit core.
So is much more complicated for me, because I need Linux cross compiling.
(compiling both VideoLC player and VVC for 64bit)
However such things can be done on:
Windows & Wine.

There are already flags in CMakeLists.txt file for:

So I suppose VVC can be already compiled for OSx, iPhone,

Not many people remember that: VVC was called Future Video Coding (FVC)
and one of the objective / aims was that FVC would be Open Source.
Mind you provide a binary plugin which works with VLC 3.0.12 and a video sample for testing purposes ?
It would be nice :wink:
I suppose someone could publish some scripts how to do it on Knoppix.
Compilation is easy task that can be automated.
But These files: VLCReader.cpp , VLCReader.h
I suppose need to be compiled togather with videoLan.

What is more
I suppose, someone could compile it for Android and Linux Boxes enigma2 and other dvbS2 receivers.

According to German wiki in June 2021, and that is in 2-3 months there will be ready hardware decoding, and I suppose even coding.
(I suppose that it will be computer plans for it, then Chips could be made.
However chips manufacturers have 6months waiting list for production and shipping :!: ! )

I doubt binaries can be published.
But I suppose, some software could be written, that all that process could be done with just One Button,
even by Complete Newbie!

Just like there are Flash Disk / pendrive installers when you can have live boot with Windows or Linux.

By the way, VVC will have 4 switchable patent pools, just like mpeg-5 have switchable 21 Tools.
So no single company can have hold on whole VVC.

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