I'm trying to save the following stream to a file.
I followed the following guidelines I found here:
It works great for the video stream, but apparently no audio stream is saved. Specifying transcode options for both audio
and video (e.g. mp2), doesn't help. The video stream is transcoded and saved, but no audio stream can be found in the saved file....
I also tried using the wizard (which, btw does'n allow to save to asf/wmv encapsulation - I'm not too familiar with multimedia
formats, so forgive me is this sounds stupid) alas to no avail.
I'm using VLC 0.8.6f on Vista SP1.
The stream will be available for one more day (will be removed on Friday), so any help/tips are welcome.
Is this the same problem as viewtopic.php?f=4&t=44242 ?
Joris Spriet