Overlay not working properly

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Overlay not working properly

Postby vbkun » 10 Apr 2008 21:08


I've come here cause i'm out of places to go and this problem also does afect videolan.
It's a overlay problem longer them 6 years. I have no ideia how to solve it and i guess i'm not smart enought to find it on google. Let me describe it.

The video overlay works.... but it gets the wrong "projection color"... On vlc i just see my desktop color instead of video. In windows media player and powerdvd I see a weird dark color, almost black. Only program that was never aftected by it was Windvd, i guess that's cause it seems to overlay in yuv2.

Another important point is that this comes and goes... today it's all ok then BUM... it happens, stick around for a week or 2 or some months... then it goes away.

Now... for some who might think : "ow this maybe videocard or driver or somethin"... During these 6 years i've had 2 diferent video card (first a gf4 mx and then a ati radeon 9600 pro). I've had also 2 mother boards, Before i had a amd processor and now a pentium... etc... Resuming... the only things that remained those 6 years are:

- The problem
- Windows Xp

So i'm pretty sure it's somethin related to windows itself or directx or a update of it.

If anyone can please help me out i'll be etternally thanks.

Big Cone-huna
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VLC version: 3.0.20
Operating System: Debian Testing|Win10

Re: Overlay not working properly

Postby Arite » 10 Apr 2008 22:03

A good article (from the author of VirtualDub) which describes the reason/cause behind the colour issue:

The issue is probably due to two conflicting applications both trying to use the DirectX overlay - it is a DirectDraw/Direct3D/DirectX issue as far as I know anyway. Sometimes restarting may help, especially if the problem is started by e.g. a video game that crashes (e.g. Half-Life 2 and the "Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present()" error caused this issue on a couple of occassions).

In VLC the problem can be solved by one of the two methods ordinarily:
  1. Disable video overlay. To do this go to :
    Settings >> Preferences... >> Video
    An untick "Overlay video output". Press "Save" and try a video.
  2. Change the video output module. To do this go to:
    Settings >> Preferences... >> Video >> Output modules
    And tick the "Advanced options" tickbox. Then from the drop-down box select e.g. "OpenGL video output" ("Windows GDI video output" may also work) and press "Save". Then restart VLC and try a video.
For other applications (and main graphics card drivers) you could try deselecting e.g. Hardware/Video Acceleration (this can be done in Windows Media Player).

Updating video drivers can potentially help too, although unlikely to permanently resolve the issue.

Cheers, Arite.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 10 Apr 2008 20:52

Re: Overlay not working properly

Postby vbkun » 10 Apr 2008 23:21

First of all... thanks for replying

I'm very aware of the information pointed on the article and the solution u proposed. Actually that's exactly what i do when i need to use vlc and overlay is wit the problem.

I just don't think my problem is in the article (i actually had the problems on the article long ago, really long ago, like 1997).

This is diferent and i don't consider disabling overlay a real solution... actually most like video quality doesn't please me at all without overlay, sppecially the colors and specially on hd video.

Since i couldn't describe so clearlly my problem i decided to loop back from videocard tv out to my capture card and post a video from this issue.

As this is something that randonlly starts and randonlly stops, and Murphy is there for all, after i reconfigured video for the loopback the overlay got back to working as it should. I guess this might be a solution :mrgreen:

I would please ask that this topic doesn't get closed... cause "for godsake" there must be someone else wit this same issue around and i intend to try record it again next time it happens (wich can be in even more then a month).

Thanks for those who are reading this again. And thanks to that reply also.

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