How do I take periodic snapshot fr COMMAND-LINE

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 16 Jul 2014 02:16

How do I take periodic snapshot fr COMMAND-LINE

Postby rsisson » 30 Jul 2014 16:30

I got my video storage to work. It now takes a 30 second clip and puts it where I want it and then cleanly exits.

The command line gets triggered when my driveway alarm goes off....

Now the trick is to take pictures on 1-2 second intervals rather than video and save the space....

My command line for the video clip is:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" rtsp:// --sout=file,dst="C:\Driveway_Videos\%Y-%m-%d-%Hh-%Mm" --start-time 00 --stop-time 30 vlc://quit

This gives me 30 seconds of video named something like: 2014-07-29-11h-34m Driveway.Mov

I think this will work with any IP camera that streams using the ONVIF stuff.

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