Postby benjor9000 » 25 Feb 2013 00:49
ok, I am going to try to ask this question in simple, concise terms, please for the love of god, any god, could someone please post an actually usedful answer, I have sen this question here before..."I am able to download the 2.0.2 exe file, but I have no idea where it is saved, or maybe it isn't being saved at all. I do not get the chance to specify the download folder.
My system is Windows XP Home Edition SP3."
the question here is WHERE DOES THE GOD DAMN FILE GO? i GET NO --please stay polite-- SAVE HERE OPTION, THE FILE DOWNLOADS, AND THAT IS IT. i HAVE DL'ED SEVERAL VERSIONS AND NOT ONE --please stay polite-- TIME CAN i FIND THE GOD DAMN THING EVER!!@! SERIOUSLY, IF THE GOD DAMN DL WONT EVER WORK WHY THE --please stay polite-- --please stay polite-- IS THE GOD DAMN THING THERE AT --please stay polite-- ALL!@!!!
how about a super simple option in Options that says Save VLC versions here...