Sound through VLC comes out of PC speakers only

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Sound through VLC comes out of PC speakers only

Postby Phabs » 18 Apr 2012 12:37

I am having sound issues when playing video or audio files on VLC.

Currently one of the users i support here is using a HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF with Windows 7
He is connected to a sound system in his office and all sound go through the system. If he plays YouTube or windows media player or any other audio or video software, it plays with no problem. If he plays the same file through VLC it plays through the speakers in the PC. I have had a look at the settings but can’t see anything that would make it play through the speakers and not the sound system. I have uninstalled and reinstalled VLC player but it gives the same result.

Has anyone come across this before and could you offer any advice?

Thanks in advance :-)

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Re: Sound through VLC comes out of PC speakers only

Postby Lotesdelere » 19 Apr 2012 07:46

Known issue which will be fixed in VLC 2.0.2, meanwhile you can use a nightly build (vlc-2.0.0-xxxxxxxx-xxxx is v2.0.2).

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