Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug tracker

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Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug tracker

Postby jfx » 24 Jun 2013 20:53

I have created a legitimate bug report in the bug tracker. My comments have been deleted several times for no reason and my account banned.

I have taken the following screenshots after it became clear someone is deleting my posts.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 24 Jun 2013 22:21

The VLC bug tracker is not a kindergarten, it is a tool for the VLC developers and testers to work.

Playing the yes-no-yes-no game gets you banned. You had been warned.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
Private messages soliciting support will be systematically discarded


Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby jfx » 24 Jun 2013 22:48

Why were my comments deleted?


Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby jfx » 25 Jun 2013 18:17

They were deleted because it is a legitimate bug report. He even deleted his warning message. Why? To reset the comment counter and get rid of the evidence?

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 25 Jun 2013 18:58

Your comments were deleted to avoid cluttering the VLC timeline with your reopening mess. Topic closed.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby jfx » 25 Jun 2013 19:36

No, they were deleted to suppress the truth and to enable the false accusation of abuse.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 25 Jun 2013 20:19

Congratulations, you have been banned from the forum too.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Blank Cone
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby SpewHole » 28 Jun 2013 08:56

Congratulations, you have been banned from the forum too.
This is the most hysterical thread I've read in a long time. You should submit to Internet Fails.

New Cone
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby Winchester7314 » 30 Jun 2013 09:46

HAHAHAHA supress the truth? this is a video player, not government!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Jul 2013 18:08

HAHAHAHA supress the truth? this is a video player, not government!
Are you sure? VLC government is on a global scale trying to conquer the world, thanks to Alien Technologies... :twisted:
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby trlkly » 05 Jul 2013 08:41

I sincerely hope this is not as it appears. The guy's screenshots just show him reporting that a bug isn't fixed and isn't a duplicate. According to his comments, you gave him a warning of some kind, but reporting a bug isn't fixed is not a bad thing, and you deleted said warning. So it appears to any outside observer that you banned a guy for disagreeing with you.

I sincerely hope there's more to this than I see. The guy definitely has one point: if you think your warning and actions are justified, there was no reason to delete the warning. Lock the bug, ban the user, but leave the history so we know what he did and not to do it again. There's no legitimate reason to delete the warning. So it does make it looks suspicious.

This isn't concern trolling, either. I have a possible regression in VLC 2 that I want to report. But if it's SOP here to ban people because they report a bug isn't fixed, then I have no reason to help a project that bans people who they are trying to help, deliberately stirring up conflict.

I mean, based on what we see, the only "yes-no-yes-no" game being played happened because the guy thought he had a legitimate bug, and you didn't, so you kept deleting his comments. As it appears, if you'd have just left the bug open for others to report if there was a problem, nothing bad would have happened.

I already don't help out DOSbox or DeSuME because their developers are mean to their bug reporters. I hope that isn't the case here.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15345
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Re: Someone is deleting posts and banning users in bug track

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 06 Jul 2013 10:08

Nobody has ever been banned for reporting an invalid bug. People do get banned for playing yes/no games with the bug tracker.

And this bug was a duplicate and was already fixed.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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