Playlist help

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Cone that earned his stripes
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Playlist help

Postby biferi » 19 Mar 2009 03:21

I am useing VLC Media Player 9. and I want to make a Playlo\ist.

So I go to Playlist and then Click on Save Playlist File.

Then I pick ware I want my Playlist tobe Saved.

At the bottom I type a Name for my Playlist and as soon as I type the Name of my New Playlist the Save Tab Turns into an Open Tab.

And it is Grayedout.

How do I creat a Playlist I think I am doing everything right??

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 21 Mar 2009 03:07

How do I make a Playlist in VLC Media Player 9. and then put the songs in the order I want?
Everybody keeps giving me Links to spots on this web site that will tell me but the links don't work.

So just tell me step by step

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Re: Playlist help

Postby VLC_help » 21 Mar 2009 17:22

Open playlist, add files to playlist, select save playlist.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 21 Mar 2009 20:14

When I go to create a Playlist I did what you told me to.

I had to go into the Playlist tab on the VLC Media Player.

In this Tab there is
Save Playlist to Files.
Load Playlist.
Vue Playlist.

And because I want to Create one I clicked on Vue Playlist and here I can ad a DIR or Music Files so I did.

But there is nothing that says SAVE PLAYLIST.

I still think I am doing something wrong???????

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Re: Playlist help

Postby VLC_help » 23 Mar 2009 16:23

Sorry, I understood that you want to save the playlist to file. But now I am seeing that you want to VLC remember its playlist. VLC playlist doesn't work like that. VLC media library works like that.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 23 Mar 2009 20:03

NO I think we still are not underatnding one onother.

I want to open VLC and make a Playlist.

So I thought I would have to make an Empty Playlist and then ad music to it.

What do I have to do??

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Re: Playlist help

Postby VLC_help » 24 Mar 2009 17:18

When you open playlist, click the Media Library from left side and drag and drop files to there.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 24 Mar 2009 17:52

So do I have to ad Music to the Medai Library first and after it is in the Media Library then make a Playlist??

Let me tell you what I see.
I clicl on Vue Playlist and a window opens.
On the Left hand side there is two things.
One says Playlist and the other says Media Library.

So you want me to Click on Media Liebrary and ad Music to there.

OK then what

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Re: Playlist help

Postby VLC_help » 25 Mar 2009 15:26

Then you are done. VLC should remember all the files you add to media library.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 25 Mar 2009 21:57

So if I want to make my own Playlist first I ad music to the Media Library.
Then do I have to make my Playlist?

And that is ware I get lost how do I make a Playlist?

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playlist help

Postby Arite » 25 Mar 2009 22:59

You add music to the "Playlist" section of the Playlist window. Then when you have added you files go to "Playlist >> Save Playlist to File..." and save it.

Here is a screenshot (observe the files are in the "Playlist" not the "Media Library").


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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 26 Mar 2009 01:36

OK I think I get it now.
Ijust got rid of everything from my Media Library so I would start off clear.

I opened VLC and when to Playlist and then clicked on Show Playlist.

Then on the Left hand side of the window that opens I see Library and Playlist.

So I clicked on Playlist and then aded all the music and closed it.

Then back at VLC I clicked on Playlist then Save Playlist as File.

And I picked ware I want to save it and gave it a Name but one thing.
I want to call my Playlist Club Music but when I type the name the Tab that says SAVE turns into OPEN.

So I had to ad .xspf after the word Club Music then the Tab Turns into a SAVE Tab and I can SAVE it.
What is .xspf mean????

And how do I now open the Playlist I maid and put the songs in the order I want??

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playlist help

Postby Arite » 26 Mar 2009 02:25

When saving a new play list choose "Save Playlist to File..." and not "Load Playlist to File...".

xspf is a playlist format. You can also select m3u, another playlist format, from the "Files of Type" part of the save window.

To open the playlist just open it as you would a file. Either double-click it, or go to "Media >> Open File..." in VLC.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 26 Mar 2009 04:20

Well what I ment was I start VLC and then I go to Playlist and from the dropdon list I click View Playlist.

And the window opens like you say with Media Library and Playlist on the left hand side.
I click on Playlist and ad music and clos it and back at VLC I then click Playlist and save Playlist to File.

Now I know how to open it and how to get the playlist to play I don't understand how to put the music in the order I want???

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playlist help

Postby Arite » 26 Mar 2009 12:06

Re-open the playlist window and you should see the current/opened playlist in it. Select and Drag-and-drop items to change the order, then re-save the playlist. Also clicking the columns titles should sort alphabetically by the values in the column.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 26 Mar 2009 16:49

Thank you for all you help.
I now have it all working greate.

One thing I don't know if I can rip Audio CDs with VLC?
I put my CD in an pick the track I want and pick CD audio but some things I don't think are showing up.

Can you just give me Screen shots of what to look for for ripping CDs this may be better because my eye sight is very bad.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby VLC_help » 26 Mar 2009 17:12

I suggest some other tool for audio CD ripping. Like EAC or CDex. They are better suited for the job.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 26 Mar 2009 21:11

All I want to do is Take a Track from a CD and convert it to MP3 why is VLC so bad at this you say??

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playlist help

Postby Arite » 26 Mar 2009 22:21

All I want to do is Take a Track from a CD and convert it to MP3 why is VLC so bad at this you say??
We have already answered you question, for example, here:

For more detail:

Anyway - yes VLC can encode one track to e.g. a MP3 file, albeit not the best method.

VLC 0.9.8a (Debian sid build) seems to not work when specifying a track. Also the GUI won't encode to a file when set up with an Audio CD.

The commandline:

Code: Select all

vlc cdda://DRIVE_LETTER@TRACK_NO --sout #transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=raw,dst=OUTPUT}}
Where DRIVER_LETTER is you drive letter (e.g. D:), TRACK_NO is the track number (e.g. 2) and OUTPUT is you destination (e.g. C:\out.mp3).

That should encode the specified track to a 192kbps MP3 file. To use VLC via the commandline go to:
Start >> Run...

And enter "cmd" (without quotes). Press "OK" and then in the command promt window enter:

Code: Select all

cd "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC"
To navigate to the VLC directory. Then use the commandline above.

Cheers, Arite.
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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 23 Apr 2009 21:49

When I go open VLC and then go to Media then Open I can open my Playlist and it plays ok.

Now if I stop it from playing and then go to Playlist and then to Show Playlist my Playlist comes up with all my music in it.
I can drag and drop the music in any order that I want it to play.

But when I close the Playlist window the music plays in the old order and if I go back into my Playlist all the music is in the old order and line up.

How do I put my Music in the oreder I want but make it stay in that order??

I can move my music in the list up or down but when I close it it goes back to the old way and I don't see a Save Tab so how do I get it to stay??

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playlist help

Postby Arite » 24 Apr 2009 00:03

When I go open VLC and then go to Media then Open I can open my Playlist and it plays ok.

Now if I stop it from playing and then go to Playlist and then to Show Playlist my Playlist comes up with all my music in it.
I can drag and drop the music in any order that I want it to play.

But when I close the Playlist window the music plays in the old order and if I go back into my Playlist all the music is in the old order and line up.

How do I put my Music in the oreder I want but make it stay in that order??
The tracks should stay in that order when you close and reopen the Playlist dialog box - toggling the Playlist dialog box just shows/hides it, it should affect the things in the playlist. Closing VLC will however. If you haven't updated to VLC 0.9.9 you could update to that, and in the process delete preferences and cache files. Then try it out again.

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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 24 Apr 2009 21:47

Ok I Load my Playlist that I created and it plays ok.
So I go to Playlist and then Show Playlist and my Playlist opens and I can see all the music in it.

I then Drag them in the new order I would like to play and then Click the X Tab at the top Right hand side to close the Playlist window.

Then when I am back at the VLC Player I go to Playlist and then Save Playlist.
And re Save it.

When I re open everything and Load the Playlist it is all back to the old way?????
Help help SOS

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 27 Apr 2009 04:22

Ok I opened the Playlist I created and then put things in the order I want.

I then have to close the Playlist and back at VLC Media Player I go to Save Playlist.

And I re save it but when I come back to it everything is as it was not in my new order????

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Playlist help

Postby biferi » 27 Apr 2009 23:26

I Re Saved my playlist after I put the music in the new order did not astay?

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Playlist help

Postby Arite » 28 Apr 2009 00:42

OK yes this appears to be a bug. Could you try a nightly build of VLC?:

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