After much reading, experimentation & gnashing of teeth, I finally figured this out!
1. Record video as .png to minimise pixelation (inserting directory & frame rate into following
command run from Ubuntu terminal)
cvlc v4l2:// :v4l2dev="/dev/video0" –videofilter=scene sceneformat=png scene
ratio=<n> sceneprefix=snap –scenepath=/home/ross/<directory> v4l2:// vlc://quit
2. Use GPRename to change the file names to sequential numbers, take care to keep the .png
3. Navigate to directory & use mogrify to change format to jpeg, from the Ubuntu terminal with the following command
mogrify format jpg *.png
4. You will now have the original png files as well as the jpg files. Create a directory for the png
files & move them. Navigate to directory
mv *.png ~/<new directory for png>
5. Use AviDemux to stitch images back together as a movie.
Open 1st frame, In VIDEO dropdown box select desired output ( I chose mpeg4), then in VIDEO menu bar, select desired
frame rate. Now save as an avi
6. Play video. Check frame rate is correct. If necessary, use AviDemux again with a different frame