Upnp not showing any servers

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Upnp not showing any servers

Postby ajaxharg » 22 Mar 2012 12:18

I have the latest 2.01 installed on my mac book air and when I click on Upnp servers nothing is ever listed. However, my wife's computer works straight away. My firewall is off, and I have tried 2.0 and 2.01 without any success.

I get the following messages in the log
main debug: adding services_discovery upnp{longname="Universal Plug'n'Play"}...
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1
main debug: looking for services_discovery module: 1 candidate
upnp error: Initialization failed: UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND
main debug: no services_discovery module matching "upnp" could be loaded
main debug: TIMER module_need() : 1.092 ms - Total 1.092 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1.092 ms)
main error: no suitable services discovery module

Has anyone any suggestions.. Thanks

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Re: Upnp not showing any servers

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 22 Mar 2012 12:19

upnp error: Initialization failed: UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND

It could not bind to the right socket.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Upnp not showing any servers

Postby ajaxharg » 22 Mar 2012 14:57

Is there any reason that it could not bind the right socket? My iPad's upnp client works and vlc worked on my wife's computer. I can't seem to work out what is causing it to fail. I have tried xbmc but I haven't managed to get the upnp part of it to work on any of my computers. My tv tuner picks up all servers so i don't think it is a router issue.

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Re: Upnp not showing any servers

Postby nkoriyama » 22 Mar 2012 16:57

Can you try another UPnP client on your Mac Book Air?
If it works, VLC has some problem.
If it doesn't work either, your environment has some problem.
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Re: Upnp not showing any servers

Postby ajaxharg » 22 Mar 2012 17:31

I've finally worked it out. I had eyetv running in the background. It was blocking the connection. As soon as I deleted all the background processes, vlc started working.

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Re: Upnp not showing any servers

Postby mizpulyn » 06 May 2015 11:30

I've finally worked it out. I had eyetv running in the background. It was blocking the connection. As soon as I deleted all the background processes, vlc started working.
Man this is fantastic... i spent 2 days trying to figure out why VLC cant see my UPNP server... i would never have guesed its "another UPNP client/server blocking the port"... i also have Elgato EyeTV service runing in OSX... i didnt delete EyeTV i just switched off all sharing in EyeTV Preferences... the service was removed from background automatically after disabling all sharing in EyeTV Preferences...

VOILA VLC 2.0.10 (32-bit Intel) OSX 10.6.8 UPNP WORKS - server was found without a problem now !!!

thanks ajaxharg for sharing

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