How do I delete my VLC viewing history from my Mac toolbar?

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 13 Nov 2011 14:54

How do I delete my VLC viewing history from my Mac toolbar?

Postby joe_shmoe11111 » 13 Nov 2011 15:16

Hey Guys,

I'm not really sure if this is a VLC issue or a Mac toolbar one, but I was wondering if anyone knew how to clear the list of recently-played files that pops up when you control-click on the VLC icon in the toolbar?

I used the "clear menu" option under file-->open recent to delete everything from my "recently played" list in VLC itself, but they still show up in the toolbar, and I'm not gonna lie, there's a few questionable vids there I'd rather not have random acquaintances stumbling upon... :-|

Any ideas?

Thanks a bunch,

EDIT: Found the answer here: ... cent_items Thanks Simon!

In short, (and in case it gets removed) you just have to open Terminal and copy/paste this, then hit shift:

defaults write org.videolan.vlc NSRecentDocumentsLimit 0
defaults delete org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments
defaults write org.videolan.vlc.LSSharedFileList RecentDocuments -dict-add MaxAmount 0

Boom. History gone. Have fun watching whatever videos you want to, without a trace... ;D

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