Batch transcode. I dont know how to do it

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New Cone
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Batch transcode. I dont know how to do it

Postby waynerrr » 28 Nov 2010 23:19

my JVC camera outputs .Mod files

I was amazed to find that VLC played recognised them

I transcoded one file into H.264 format using VLC player and the quality is superb

But it seems only able to transcode one file at a time

How do I do say 5 files at a time.

I searched these forums and seemed to find solutions pointing to the command line or the automator..

If it causes me an hours work then im happy to do that

But im not experienced at all at either.

Is batch transcoding going to be possible for me (I only have 1 hour to master it)?

Thanks for any advice

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Re: Batch transcode. I dont know how to do it

Postby Snafuy » 03 Dec 2010 22:06

No answer? Oh dear. I have to transcode several dozen video files from Apple HDV codec (FCP) to H.264. I need an automated solution that I can set up and let run for a couple days (over 500GB total).


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Re: Batch transcode. I dont know how to do it

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 05 Dec 2010 00:14

Use the terminal and script it there
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Re: Batch transcode. I dont know how to do it

Postby pjv » 02 May 2011 02:22

I'm not sure if you still need any help with this, but as this is the most recent thread on this specific question I was also searching for, I'll tell you how I now *sort of* batch convert videos, and I know nothing of terminal or apple script.
Beginning with an empty playlist I just manually open the streaming/exporting wizard (⇧⌘W), go through the steps with the first file and click Finish. Instead of waiting for one to finish, hit Stop, and open the wizard again. The settings should all be the same, so you would only need to change filenames (in & out on the 2nd and 2nd to last dialog screen, clicking finish and stopping the conversion, then starting the next and so on for however many files you are doing.
Then you have a playlist of many "Streaming/Transcoding Wizard (1/1)" items. Double click the first again and assuming you don't have random or repeat one checked, it will go through all conversions. It's not truly automation, but when it can take 0.5 to 2 hours for a conversion, it can be initiated fairly quickly and left to work.You can also click Quit After Playback in the Playback menu, and itallows for different settings for each.

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Re: Batch transcode. I dont know how to do it

Postby ajmas » 02 May 2011 22:32

You may also want to take a look at HandBrake, which leverages VLC to do its work.
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