Using VLC as A Relay Streaming Server

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Using VLC as A Relay Streaming Server

Postby toptalent » 28 Nov 2003 11:25

i want 2 set up vlc (windows) as a live relay streaming server that retrieves content from an exisint mms:// stream and rebroadcast (via mms) it publicly. could any1 please show me a step-by-step guide on how 2 achieve this? im a bit confused by the documentations and all the setup options.

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 482
Joined: 21 Nov 2003 02:53
Location: Paris - France

Postby zorglub » 28 Nov 2003 18:38

In the "open" window, enter the adress of you mms stream in the MRL box (like mms://the_adress)

Enable "stream output", and in stream output options, select MMS in output method.
Clément Stenac


Postby toptalent » 28 Nov 2003 20:36

thx for the response.

there is not an option for "mms" in the output options. there are
play locally

beside each of them there's a feild for "address" and "port"

which one should i choose and wut "address" and "port" does it refer to?

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